Thursday, September 9, 2010

I am From

In a class last summer, I was given an assignment to write an "I am from" poem.  Inspired by George Ella Lyon.  Her website listed below has a recording of her reciting her poem.  I love it.

I have written and re-written this poem several times.  Here is the latest version:

I Am From
by Molly Doolittle Perkins

I am from a home filled with antiques,
and silly country geese,
from Maple Avenue,
and summers on the shore,

I am from the sweet smell of applesauce,
jumping through piles of leaves,
a rusty swing set, where dolls’ clothes hung on a line,
Beaudog’s “string”
and blue flowers carpeting the lawn in spring,

I am from Mable, Mable, keep your elbows off the table,
and “We’ll see”,
and “Don’t Slam The Door!”

from good night tuck ins
and morning groans,
from dogs’ barks,
and Dad’s snores,
and Mom talking on the phone,

I am from swim lessons,
sun burn,
and pulling up lobster pots,
from salty air,
to tangled hair,
and dinners of shortcake,

I am from picnics on a blanket,
and warm cream of wheat,
snow women on the lawn,
and always a tasty treat,

I am from colorguard and band geeks
from crisp fall days
marching to the beat,

I am from UVM
from Rolling Rock to Labatt Blue,
Dad swears I came back a liberal,

I’m from Simmons
and Children’s lit,
I’m from an acupuncture tester
to regular client

From Sandborn Ave
to one of the girls of 46A
I am from Line Street
with ice man neighbors
and deli guys in the “back yard”

I’m from Dunning in the “Ham”,
and Katherine Lee Bates
from third grade to fourth grade,
and now up to fifth.

I’m from Marathons
and fundraisers,
and Go Liver!

I am from cross country road trips
to rafting the Colorado,
to the Viking museum in Norway.

I am from rocket rooms
and robots
to flying kites
from playing pool at diesel
to running Crossroads.

I’m from pizza night,
and Harpoon,
from friends,
to love
to Hinterkins

I am from adventure.

I am from places of love.

1 comment:

  1. I can only say, "Oh Molly...I love this...well done."

