Anyway, today I got so angry in this water aerobics class. Our class was about 15 people or so. We have a HUGE lane saved for the class. That means that there are 3 lanes left for other swimmers. Our class is at 7, so it is a popular time for swimming. We were doing our thing, jumping and kicking (surprisingly hard... it isn't like you just float around in the pool for 45 min! She has you running and kicking, and jumping, and all kinds of stuff!). Anyway... we were doing our thing when I see this woman who is in our class start splashing a swimmer in the next lane. She was yelling at him because when he would swim by he would splash her.
News flash lady... you are in a POOL, Of course you will get wet!
The teacher invited her to move to a different spot so she wouldn't be bothered by this guy. But she refused. Apparently another chick in the class told her to stop splashing the guy and yelling at him. So when I saw her yelling at him and splashing pretty violently at him, I told her not to yell at him. I told her that he had every right to swim in his lane (that he was sharing with another person because we were taking up so much space with our class).
She went on to tell me that he should move and not splash her. Again lady... you are in a POOL! (And she was backed up against the little lane floaties too... so really, she was probably in HIS space).
At the end of class she waded up to me and said, "See he has calmed down now. You should never take any abuse."
ABUSE? WTF??? How could swimming in your own lane be abuse?
I continued to tell the lady that she had no right acting the way she was, and that he was NOT at fault.
All the other ladies in class looked on... (not backing me up) . But when I saw them in the locker room after, they all told me what a "freakin wack-job" they thought she was!
Well, at least I said something, even if it fell on deaf ears. I just hate it when people are just so disrespectful for very selfish reasons. Again... and I hate to be repetetive, but... angry at being splashed... in a pool... really? There are much more serious things in life to get upset over.
And now I'm letting go... because I have officially vented.
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