Sunday, November 7, 2010

the simple things...

This weekend our friend Noreen came to visit with her kids.  They had never been to the city before... it was great to see them look up at the tall buildings in amazement.   It was great to see them wonder how and why the T went underground, and how we had "dirt" over us!

The best part was walking down the street holding Hayden's hand, him skipping along.  I couldn't help noticing all the people passing us in cars grinning at us.  I just grinned right back.

We were on our way to the children's museum, and he couldn't have been happier.  Ah, to look at life from a 5 year old perspective once again.  It made me appreciate some of the simple things in life...

I've been working my tail off at work for the past few months.  A new grade level, and a challenging class. (in a good way).  I've been too stressed, and need to stop and enjoy the simple things in life.  Like walking down the street on a nice fall day with a cute little kid holding my hand, skipping along.  It can't get much better than that.

1 comment:

  1. Molly, that was beautiful! I just found your blog and was so tickled that you shared a wonderful moment with my son. Children have a serendipitous way of putting things into perspective, don't they? =)
