Saturday, April 2, 2011

90/365 March 31, 2011


Thursday was a full day for me.  A regular day at school followed by a kick ass (literally) kickboxing class.  Sheri and I have committed to kickboxing every Thursday... it is a really fun class!  Once I dropped Sher off at home I took my sweaty ass to the store because I needed to buy ingredients to make quiches for breakfast at school the next morning. 

Andy had a late meeting, and came home around 9:00.  I was feverishly working on the quiches.  That's when I realized that I remembered to buy all the ingredients except... the pie crust.  

Here's where I admit that I have never been able to make a successful pie crust... I swear Grammy taught me like ten times, but I can never do it on my own.  So I always revert to the good old pre-made ones.  Maybe that is lazy, but at least I was putting in the effort to make a home-made quiche for breakfast.  So, Andy walked down to Lydia's to get me my pie crust.  

I was happily stirring the onions when he walked through the door with the one grocery item I had forgotten.  I opened the fridge to grab the milk, and it dawned on me.  We didn't have enough milk.

Well, that Andy... I did marry him for many reasons.  One of them is that he is a man who has the patience of a saint.  He puts up with my scatterbrainedness (is that even a word?).  He willingly went back down the hill to Lydia and bought a gallon of milk.  What a great guy.

Finally at around 10:45 the quiches were done!  It would have been a lot easier to buy pre-made quiches.  I always bite off more than I can chew.  Ugh.

I did get quite a few compliments at breakfast the next morning though!

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