Sunday, January 23, 2011

23/365 Gadgets

I love kitchen gadgets.   We were lucky enough to get some great ones for our wedding.  The latest excitement in our kitchen is thanks to Jennie!  She gave us an egg timer.  Andy and I had soft-boiled eggs for breakfast today.  Neither of us had used one before.  So we stood fascinated over the boiling pot watching it work.  It is a simple idea.  Who knew how easy it would be to use!

We had a lovely breakfast.  Thanks Jennie!


  1. You are most welcome! I have to admit..I have the same one, but haven't ever used it! Maybe I'll boil some eggs soon, now that I know the gadget works :)

  2. Did Andy eat a soft boiled egg? Aren't they kind of slimy?

  3. no.. not slimy... just like an egg over easy... just cooked inside the shell. YUM!
