Monday, January 10, 2011

Marshmallow Mateys and Goodbyes 10/365

Tonight was the last official pizza night for a while.  It was the last one while the Gells are living in Massachusetts... and the last one for a month... since we are switching to monthly pizza.  

Rebecca had an early evening meeting but made it a point to join us for Betsy and Jared's last pizza.  She brought gifts... and this is what she gave Andy.  Ah yes, the Marshmallow Mateys... otherwise known as the generic of Lucky Charms... and yes, they are magically delicious.

Eating Marshmallow Mateys after a morning run has become a tradition for Bec, Frank, Andy, and Ryan when he is in town.  They go for a run, and return to our house to eat the Mateys for breakfast while they watch some show named Archer.  I can't partake in this usually because I am on my way to work.  But I occasionally get a bowl of them.  And the sad thing is that they are both disgusting and delicious at the same time.  Probably better after a 5 mile run though.

On another note, I have to say how happy I am for Betsy and Jared.  They are off to an adventure of a new life with new jobs. They'll be living in Ridgefield, CT where Jared grew up.  I'm sure they will love it, and while we will miss them, we know that this is a good move for them.  (besides George will have a huge yard to run around in!)

It will be weird without the Gells in town.  But I'm sure we will see them for visits both in CT and MA.  We will miss you.

Good luck Jared and Betsy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is so sad that Betsy and Jared are moving! But you are right about it being good for them, I hate goodbyes like that! Switching to monthly pizza night seems kind of sad too, the end of era! But at least i can call and talk to you guys on a Monday night again!

    It is hysterical about the Marshmallow mateys!!!
