Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year... New Growth 4/365

Smedley is growing a new branch!  It is great to see the new growth for the new year.  As mom would say, spring is around the corner!  (Although I'm excited for the snow in Friday's forecast.)

Smedley is a plant that has had many shoots of growth like this over the years.  He began as a plant in Andy's dad's college days.  All the guys that lived together took a cutting, and Smedley has spread presumably across the country.  We have three Smedleys in our house (one needs to head back to my classroom).  I know that Tom has a few as does Becky.  Andy's particular Smedley has birthed at least 5 new Smedleys in the time I've known Andy.

We know that Smedleys live in New York, Massachusetts, and New Mexico!  Who knows where he'll go next!

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