Saturday, January 29, 2011

29/365 Dinner

I've been battling a terrible cold this week, and I am pretty much useless today.  I'm sick of soup and tea... and just wanted a normal dinner.  So Andy made us burgers.  He even grilled onions ahead of time and put them on my burger!

He also tried Jennie's new "baked potato chips".  They turned out great.  He used our new mandolin to cut them nice and thin.  Then baked them in the oven at 400 for half an hour with a little sea salt.  Delish!


  1. I've made those chips twice now!! Love them, Jennie! Even dad approved today and couldn't believe that I did use any oil! I hope you feel better soon!!

  2. I should make up more recipes then! And steal your mandolin Mol! Much easier than cutting them myself!
