Monday, January 24, 2011

24/365 Matzo Ball Soup

Matzo Ball Soup... as Betsy would say... "Jewish Penicillin" 

A few (okay... maybe more than a few... maybe 5) years ago Betsy was making Matzo Ball soup at our pizza night when she was feeling a little under the weather.  I tried it and loved it.  From now on whenever I have a cold, we make the soup.  It is hot, and warms your belly, and doesn't have ANY veg in it... (so that is nice cause who wants vegetables when you are sick?)  So yesterday when the sore throat started, I made the soup.  It was dinner last night, and lunch today.  I swear it is what got me through today.  So... off to take a nap, and sleep it off.  Thanks Betsy for a great home remedy!

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